I am very proud to say that Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union has been trying our very best to help to promote community relationships between Pakistani and Chinese in Hong Kong for the past two decades. I would like to express my gratitude to all executive members of PIWU who joined our hands together and help us in making strong efforts for the Pakistani Community. I would like to ask for continuous support in the future.
I would like to thank Honorable Ex Ms. Shirley Chan, Senior Programme Officer of Race Relation Unit, for giving us marvelous support and guidance in each and every step to establish the PIWU Community Support Team, PCST, help us to build up the capacity of Pakistani Community to achieve self-help through the project PCST. Sincerely thank to the Housing Department for sponsoring and providing a venue to set up our PCST center in Tin Shui Wai district. Last but not least, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Mr. Tsang Yuk Sing, JP of DAB, Ex-Chairman of the Legislative Council for giving us precious advice. Without all the support, our center does not exist today. The PCST can become the first team established to serve the Pakistani Community in Hong Kong has been an effort made by all the members of the PIWU, I would like to take the opportunity to thank, everyone, again.
OurThe Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union was established in 1988 to provide a range of support services for the Pakistan community in Hong Kong. Since April 2006, the Government has sponsored us to operate a Community Support Team for the Pakistanis, providing a variety of support services, i.e. inquiries, home visits, escorts, referrals, training, integration programs, and sports activities.
for more information about our Project please visit the below website.
Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union has been established with the objective to solve the problem of Pakistani who are living in Hong Kong, such as children's education, public housing, immigration, labor, translation, interpretation, hospital escort, welfare, religious education, etc.
Pakistan Islamic Welfare Union actively looks for a better solution to solve the daily problems faced by local Pakistani. Most of them are having communication problems and cultural barriers. We try to assist the new immigrants to adapt and settle down in the new living environment in Hong Kong.